React Audio

Audio Player#

The react audio player is a component for native audio players but it is optimized to look the same in all browsers and have a great UI and is highly customized. It consumes both the native browser event DOM api and the react event API making it fast.


To use the react audio player component you haveto import it from the reactjs-media module as ReactAudio


import React from "react";
import { ReactAudio } from "reactjs-media";
const MyVideo = () => {
return (
//you can pass in other props

Your can also import the audio player from another file in the package.

import { ReactAudio } from "reactjs-media/audio";

Component Props#

The package also has additional pros that your can pass throug is so that you can carry out some logic. A feww important ones will be listed here you can find the full list in the API section


  • The src prop is a string and it represents the source of the audio being played. You should not that it is also a required prop so if your dont pass it in the component will throw an error.


const Audio = () => {
return <div>
src="/Learn useCallback In 8 Minutes.mp4"


This represents the type of the video it usally defaults to nothing. the values expexted is a string.


This props is also passed down in form of a fuction. The function that your pass in will recieve three arguments and these are:

  • event#

This is a native browser event that is usally triggered each time the audio time updates. It is the first argument you will receive

  • currentTime#

This is a the current time that the audio playback has reached.

  • duration#

This is the full audio duration. This is anded in just because we thought it was necessary.

const Audio = () => {
function onTimeUpdateProp(event, currentTime, duration) {
// some logic is place here
return <div>
src="/Learn useCallback In 8 Minutes.mp4"